Preparing for a Bellevue Move: Moving Day
You’ve prepared for weeks or months to get everything organized and ready for a smooth moving day! Moving day, you can leave your worries behind and the team of professional Bellevue movers from Access Gentle Moving will handle everything. Here are a few top tips for navigating moving day like a pro!
At your current home
- Remove and pack bed linens in dressers, drawers for convenience.
- Have all vehicles and other blockages out of the driveway(s) and street moved out before movers arrive.
- Find a safe place for small children and pets (a moving job site is a dangerous place to play!)
- Do a walk-thru before the move begins with the mover.
- Keep doors blocked open and get and use the elevator key if applicable.
- Be available to check outgoing items on your inventory sheets as they leave your house to be loaded on the truck.
- Complete a second walk-thru at current location before leaving. Check all closets, make sure windows are shut and locked, lights off and door locked.
- Give the mover your cell phone number and confirm destination address before leaving current location along with driving directions.
- Get copies of shipping documents.
At new home
- Do a walk-thru at final destination before unloading.
- You will need to be present to check each item or box off your inventory list as they are unloaded and placed into your final destination.
- Utilize plan-view for item placement into your new home.
- Complete another walk-thru at final destination with the movers before they leave.
- Do not try to unpack more than one box at a time. Stuff newsprint into large box(s) then flatten cartons & stack them in
order of like sizes. Mirror hardware (on dressers) is best installed with mirror on dresser. Do not attempt to “slide” mirror brackets into each other. Screw brackets on from behind.