Whether you are planning a move in 2019 or just looking to get organized in the new year, here are some tips for getting a jump start this January.
- Make a weekly cleaning schedule. Staying on top of it will help you feel more calm during house showings or just everyday life.
- Create a binder with everything you need. This will keep everything organized and in one spot.
- Find a home for everything. Does everything you own have a spot? Visualize where you are going to put everything in your new home.
- If there isn’t a spot for something, sell, donate, or throw it away. That way you won’t be transporting unnecessary things.
- When you get mail, file or throw it out right away! Paper can be a stressor- the piles keep getting bigger and bigger.
- Get your finances and budget in order. Plan out your spending and bills ahead of time. This can also help with the budget and finances for a move.
- Go through your closets! Try on clothes and donate, trash or give away things you no longer wear or that don’t fit. Going through your closet also allows you to take an inventory of what you have. That way you can ensure you have enough space for your clothes in your new house.
- When you pack, pack one room at a time. Don’t mix items from different rooms in the same box. That way when you unpack it will be easier.
- Properly label all of your boxes. Make it visible from all sides what room the box goes into. That will make it easier for the movers to know where to place the box.
- Use different colored markers to label the boxes or different colored boxes for different rooms. That way you can easily identify where each box goes.
Moving can be overwhelming for many and if you can get organized before moving day that will help you to relax. Also, getting rid of things that you don’t use can help keep clutter at a minimum. We hope you have a great 2019 and we look forward to helping you move this year.